About Us

Howdy, Friends!

Welcome to Factops.
It was just matter of fact and an iconic idea came to our mind that the people from different parts of world should be aware of some amazing micro information packed in the facts and we created this blog with a view that we give blog readers a reason to know about unknown things in no time.  

Factops is a blog which will increase your general knowledge in a fun and creative way. We are two friends, which will entertain you with some crazy and amazing facts.

Here is what you will find on Factops:

  • "A picture is worth a thousand words" is the main motto of Factops.
  • We don't just tell you interesting facts, but also tell the real story behind it.
  • It's not just plain text which you read and forget on next day.
  • Each fact on Factops are represented with a visual image, interesting right..?
  • FactPic's (Pics with fact) are good way to share on social media, and a good way to share knowledge.